New promotions in Sydney and Perth

January 2020

Leading general insurance and defendant-side dispute resolution firm Gilchrist Connell is delighted to announce the promotions of Nitesh Patel [Special Counsel – Sydney], Kate Kellendonk [Senior Associate – Perth] and Lucinda Mullins [Associate – Sydney].

“It’s an exciting time for the firm. Last year was our largest year-on-year growth since we started the firm in 2008. That growth is only possible with demand from our clients serviced by committed and talented people,” said Managing Principal Richard Wood. “One of the more satisfying parts of our expansion is seeing the development and advancement of our people and being able to recognise their achievements. It’s a pleasure to be able to congratulate Nitesh, Kate and Lucinda on what they have accomplished,” he said.

Special Counsel Nitesh Patel has been instrumental in the growth of the firm’s cyber and tech practice over the past 12 months. His clients appreciate his strategic, commercial approach in resolving matters across contentious and non-contentious technology, privacy, incident response, data security and cyber insurance issues.

Practicing primarily in public liability, workers’ compensation/employers’ liability and industrial diseases [mainly dust diseases and long latency injury], Senior Associate Kate Kellendonk has developed exceptional file management skills and excellent client rapport in the context of a busy, volume practice including demanding multi-party litigation.

Associate Lucinda Mullins has distinguished herself with an exceptional work ethic, a very strong combination of black letter legal nous and commerciality, and sound advocacy skills. She has worked across all aspects of the Sydney practice and ably assists the principals with a range of matters.

“These outstanding individuals are three of our 80+ practitioners, and while they have been singled out for advancement, the firm is focused on identifying and fostering talent across the board to continually improve our performance and client service,” said Richard.

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