Since her admission, Zoe has gained experience working across a broad range of public liability, professional indemnity, employment and worker’s compensation matters.
Zoe regularly appears in various courts and tribunals on behalf of her employer, self-insured organisation, government and insurer clients, including the Supreme, District and Magistrates Courts of South Australia, and the South Australian Employment Tribunal.
Zoe has acted on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants in workers compensation claims and public liability claims, providing advice on matters of indemnity, liability, quantum and strategy. She also advises in recovery actions including insured and uninsured losses.
Zoe brings an innovative, pragmatic and cost effective approach to matters. She adopts a targeted and outcome driven approach to the resolution of her client’s legal problems.
Awards and recognition
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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians throughout Australia and their connection to land, culture, waters and skies. We pay our respect to the communities, the people, and Elders past, present and emerging.
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