Sam brings 25 years of experience in subrogated motor vehicle recovery and liability work, and a finely tuned commercial approach to resolving matters. Clients benefit from the knowledge Sam developed while managing recoveries and litigation for several insurers, including a National Claims Management Insurance Provider.
He is a highly persuasive negotiator and currently manages a recoveries and litigation portfolio of approximately 250 motor vehicle subrogated recoveries and defended matters. Sam works to protect the insured’s interest in litigation, providing effective and value for money costing modules. He is fully supported by principals and skilled teams in each of our offices, ensuring nationwide expertise on all claims.
Sam’s expertise and senior experience encompasses:
- Subrogated motor vehicle recoveries and liability claims (SA Magistrates (Civil) Court practices and procedures)
- Paralegal & ANZIIF CIP qualified
- Managing service relationships
- Reporting compliance, adhering to service standards and timetables
- Delivering relevant value added services
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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians throughout Australia and their connection to land, culture, waters and skies. We pay our respect to the communities, the people, and Elders past, present and emerging.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Legal Practitioners employed by and the directors of Gilchrist Connell Pty Ltd are members of the scheme.