As Gilchrist Connell’s Chief Operating Officer, Kirk is a highly experienced and innovative leader, with full executive oversight of the firm’s critical business support functions including ITC services, infrastructure, business operations and risk.
This lead strategic role is essential to the sustainability of the firm’s key operations and the consistent delivery of high-quality legal services.
In his capacity as COO, Kirk sets priorities and direction across project management, cybersecurity, network and operations, telecommunications, and major applications acquisition and management.
Kirk is a key member of the firm’s executive team and is committed to remaining at the forefront of innovative developments and opportunities.
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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians throughout Australia and their connection to land, culture, waters and skies. We pay our respect to the communities, the people, and Elders past, present and emerging.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Legal Practitioners employed by and the directors of Gilchrist Connell Pty Ltd are members of the scheme.