Kaye has experience across various practice areas including associations liability, public liability, professional indemnity, construction claims and recoveries. She adopts a calculated and pragmatic approach to achieve practical and commercial outcomes for insurer clients in all matters and claims that come her way.
Prior to joining Gilchrist Connell, Kaye worked as a Judges’ Associate in the District Court of South Australia.
Kaye is a member of the Gilchrist Connell Cyber Team headed by Nitesh Patel. She regularly advises insurers on coverage and acts as defence counsel for engineers, builders, accountants, lawyers and IT professionals against third party claims. She also has a practice in associations liability defending claims on behalf of sporting and not-for-profit associations, including defamation claims and breaches of associations law.
Kaye has an interest in pro bono matters and is currently on the firm’s Pro Bono Committee. She assists with firm referrals from JusticeNet and is a volunteer with the Catherine House pro bono legal clinic. She is also involved in co-ordinating the Homeless Legal Clinic at Baptist Care with JusticeNet.
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