James is an insurance lawyer specialising in professional indemnity. He advises insurers in relation to all types of claims against solicitors, medical professionals, real estate agents and construction professionals. James has extensive experience in public liability, administrative law, personal injury and subrogated recovery claims. He has also provided coverage advice to major insurers for complex cyber and technology claims as well as defending claims against IT service providers.
In addition, James has extensive experience in health law including disciplinary matters, hospital inquiries, employment disputes and coronial inquests for a range of healthcare providers, including doctors, pharmacists and medical practices in the public and private health care systems.
James has appeared before the Local, District and Supreme Court of New South Wales, the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory and the Federal Court of Australia without the assistance of counsel, including attending interlocutory hearings and mediations. He has also appeared regularly at the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal, involving home building disputes.
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