Andrew has extensive experience across a wide variety of claims including personal injuries, motor vehicle, workers compensation and public liability – as both a plaintiff and defence lawyer.
Andrew’s general insurance capability is focused on general liability claims and litigation. He has extensive litigation experience across various jurisdictions and his expertise incorporates handling a broad scope of claims, Including almost 30 years of practice in personal injuries compensation.
Andrew has represented insurer clients in major CTP matters, as well as hundreds of workers compensation matters, including dust diseases and asbestos claims, catastrophic injuries and fatalities. He has also managed general liability claims for government insurers and conducted a wide variety of commercial litigation matters.
Andrew has a strong track record in achieving good outcomes in settlement conferences and negotiating matters where quantum and/or liability are in dispute. He has had the conduct of many matters that have proceeded to trial – particularly in the industrial accident and CTP jurisdictions in the District Court (in his capacity as instructing solicitor).
Andrew maintains trusted relationships with a wide range of clients from across the corporate, insurance and government sectors. His approach is to consistently identify the key legal, factual and evidentiary issues in a matter early and clearly, then assess if it is capable of early and informal resolution to avoid escalation of legal costs.
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