Changing of the guard at Gilchrist Connell
After 17 years, Richard Wood will step down from the Managing Principal role in June 2025. Belinda Cohen has been elected to lead the firm as Chief Executive Officer from 1 July 2025.
Insurance industry stalwart Richard Wood, a founding principal of Gilchrist Connell in 2008 and Managing Principal since that time, will stand down on 30 June 2025. Following an extensive process overseen by independent advisers, Belinda Cohen was elected by the principal group to the role of Chief Executive Officer, effective from 1 July 2025. The CEO role will operate in the same manner that the Managing Principal role has done.
A former insurance litigation lawyer with a strong background in executive leadership, Belinda has been with Gilchrist Connell for four years as our Chief People Officer. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first appointment of a CEO with a People & Culture or HR background in an Australian law firm. Of her appointment, Belinda says “Under Richard’s tenure, Gilchrist Connell has grown to be one of Australia’s leading insurance sector law firms and I am honoured to continue the work Richard and the firm’s leadership have done to date. We owe a debt of gratitude to Richard for his steady hand over the last 17 years.” Belinda expands, “I am wholly motivated to continue doing what GC does best... keep our people and client relationships at the centre of what we do, building a high performance workplace where people thrive and clients benefit from engaged lawyers solving their legal needs.”
Reflecting on the success of the firm since it began, Richard said “I am proud of all that Gilchrist Connell has achieved in the last 17 years. It’s remarkable. Belinda’s election to the role of CEO reflects the importance this firm has always placed on its people and the people who make up its client base. Belinda’s career path to date provides her with a unique ability to understand both our market, our people and the challenges and opportunities that both face.”
Richard will remain in an active role within the firm, focusing on the clients he has continued to serve over nearly four decades as an insurance lawyer while also bringing to bear his accumulated experience in management and strategy when required. John Edmond will remain as Chair.
Richard Wood
Managing Principal
08 8215 7001
0403 069 807
About Gilchrist Connell
Gilchrist Connell is a leading insurance sector law firm in Australia. We operate across all Australian jurisdictions from our five offices and regularly assists clients with claims in New Zealand, Asia, Europe, US and the London market, as well as global insurers participating in multi-national insurance programs. We advise our insurer clients on complex coverage issues and in the defence of claims against insureds across all classes of general insurance. We also provide front-end employment, WHS, corporate, regulatory and Insurtech advice to businesses at all stages of their life cycle.
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